Growing Your Mushrooms


( All types of mushroom kits we sell on Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart, Etsy and this website, this guide will work for you! )

        This kit contains everything you need to grow your own mushrooms, including instructions for planting. To start, choose a shaded area that receives less than three hours of direct sunlight per day.
Wet the soil and hoe up an area about 0.25 inches deep, and as big as you want your mushroom growing area to be.
To make the mushroom growing kit, boil 2.5 gallons of filtered or distilled water and add two tablespoons of molasses (optional) and a quarter teaspoon of salt to prevent bacteria growth.

          Let the water cool to room temperature and add the inoculated wood shavings/sawdust included in the kit. Let the mixture sit for about 48 hours and then pour it over the prepared plot.
Cover with a quarter inch of leaves and wait for your mushrooms to start growing.
Keep an eye on your patch every day and water the ground if it seems dry. Harvest the mushrooms when they are about three inches tall using a sharp knife and store in a food-grade container in the refrigerator for two to three days.

Some common issues to watch out for are lack of moisture, too much moisture, and contaminated spawn. Remember, as long as there is no snow on the ground, the ground is ready for your slurry, and the moisture from rain and snow afterward actually helps.
1 Kit (5gal)= 35-45 grams Inoculated Sawdust(2.5 gallons of boiled water)
1 Large Kit (25gal) = 90-110 grams of Concentrated Inoculated Sawdust(12 gallons of boiled water)

  Check this video out on growing Mushrooms here +

Remember patience is important, Mushrooms don't grow instantly and can take up to 2 years to show. Prized Mushrooms like these are not typically sold in stores because of the time it takes to grow them and when they are, they can be contaminated, like recent reports in the news. SO GROW YOUR OWN! 


       This kit contains 100% wood and mushroom spores, and nothing else is required, although optional additions like molasses can help. Check out the Urban Farming guys' video for more tips on growing mushrooms linked above. All inoculated kits are FRESH and can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool dark location, including fridge making them great gifts.

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